After the age of 65, more than half of women and over one quarter of men report experiencing urinary leakage. Incontinence often goes untreated since patients are too embarrassed to talk about it. However, people around them should ask specifically about this issue, and go on to explain to them that incontinence can often be considerably improved. Incontinence in seniors is majorly caused by weakening of the bladder and pelvic muscles. In some cases, medication may be of help, but not always. However, with the worsening of the problem, you need to resort to adult diapers. Incontinence can also lead to unpleasant odours and leakage stains. Switching to Friends overnight diapers can help avoid these issues and spare the elderly from embarrassing situations. If you or your loved one is apprehensive about wearing adult diapers, do remember that they offer several benefits. Firstly, it reduces stress to a large extent, since you no longer need be on your toes constantly, worrying that anyt...